Friday 31 May 2013

Poise and Prejudice

Adam Goodes' poise in the face of the recent racist insults against him is commendable to say the least. First, from a 13 year old girl and then by Collingwood President and Grown-Up Who Should Know Better, Eddie McGuire. Both apologised to Goode saying 1. The 13 year old didn't know what she was saying (umm, she must've heard it somewhere to use it in context) and 2. Eddie had a slip of the tongue for which now he is truly regretful. Graciously, Goodes accepted the girl's apology and urged the public not to harass her on social media - a most admirable and mature response which reinforces his good standing as a positive role model.

For Eddie to have had this slip of the tongue, these words must be part of his internal dialogue. Sure, as a public figure he is taught to be very careful with what he says, but the fact that these racist references have been bantered around in our society in the first place has meant that he has to think before he speaks.

In previous generations, where racism was just part of life, this sort of language was in everyday conversation. However, even though laws and society have changed somewhat, this language can still be recalled by our brains and, every now and then, slips out. I liken it to a drunken "Well, I've always thought you were a tosser!" to a colleague at a boozy work function. You wouldn't normally say it, but because it's part of your internal dialogue, it slips out when you're off guard. I.e. too pissed to bite your tongue.

So, how do we break the cycle? Each one of us has the responsibility to not use this racist language out loud ever! Once heard by younger people, it can become part of their internal dialogue too. Of course, it would take every single person in the world to follow this in order for racial taunts to be eradiated completely, by oh what a wonderful world that would be!

We have come a long way since the segregation of the 1950s but these public displays of verbal racism clearly show that we have a long way to go yet!