Wednesday 6 February 2013

Does Lance Need to Apologise?

The backlash against Lance Armstrong's lack of remorse following his recent interview with Oprah, has me asking... Does Lance actually need to apologise? The world wants it, but should we require it?

Caught up in the web of deception, it's clear he believed his own propaganda when denying his involvement in doping in the 2005 video deposition. Did the pressure of holding in these lies get too much for him? I think not. It had to have been the overwhelming evidence coming in from former teammates such as Tyler Hamilton, George Hincapie and Frankie Andreu, that led Lance to finally admit guilt. There was no place to hide anymore.

I think he honestly regrets the bullying and threats that he subjected his peers to, in order to keep his secret safe. We know that he has tried to make ammends with some of these people. Regretting the personal hurt he has caused individuals is one thing, expressing his regret for doping and fooling the world is quite another. Perhaps he doesn't actually feel sorry? I suppose that could be a valid stance for one so selfish and egotistic.  After all, apologising needs to come from the person's heart. We can't force it from someone. Although now in disgrace, his career as a professional cyclist has given him and his family many advantages in life that they have been able to enjoy. I can see how he may not regret this. I am interested to see if an apology ever does come from Lance. Forgiveness is another topic all together.